Kanika's Trust
Lucknow | Uttar Pradesh | 226010

About Kanika's Trust

Kanika Sinha was a graduate of the Prestigious National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. She was awarded graduation degree in Communication Design with specialization in Animation Film Design on 3rd November 2006. She was an animal lover, always took interest in charity work and travelled a lot.To keep her memories alive and continue her charitable work, we have set up  Kanika's Trust.

Our Mission

  1. To provide financial or otherwise any help for the creative persons of the society.
  2. To provide financial support to organizations involved in animal welfare.
  3. To initiate activities aimed at giving boost to creative art and craft.
  4. Establishment, maintenance or acquisition of any existing library for the benefit of the public at large.
  5. To assist the unemployed / educated / uneducated persons for setting up their own cottage industry, business or vocation.
  6. To institute and award scholarships, awards, prizes, loans and other assistance to the needy for studies, research and apprenticeship for all or any of the above mentioned educational purposes.
  7. Imparting legal literacy to increase the level of awareness to the masses regarding their legal duties / obligation and rights including those related to child labour, women, children, consumer protection, human rights, social education and other welfare programs, etc.
  8. Imparting population education for creating awareness about population phenomenon and its impact on the quality of life.
  9. To promote activities of peace, communal harmony, national integration and social justice.
  10. To organize tournaments, championships, cultural programs, concerts seminars etc.
  11. Publishing journals, newsletters etc.
  12. Welfare programs for the weaker sections of society.
  13. Provide help to poor families.
  14. Taking care of the elderly.
  15. Social audit of welfare programs of the Government and Authorities.
  16. To do all other acts and things as may be necessary or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the Trust.

Our Trustees

Mrs.Kavita Sinha
Managing Trustee,Lucknow
Mrs.Kalpana Pandya
Mr.Samarth Sinha
Joint Managing Trustee,Lucknow